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In a Strategic Move - Incorporate Departmental Representation into the Enterprise Architecture (EA) team

Updated: May 9

Incorporating departmental representation into the Enterprise Architecture (EA) team is a strategic move that enhances the alignment and integration of EA initiatives across the entire organization.

For a media company, involving heads or nominated members from all key departments ensures that the EA not only aligns with IT objectives but also deeply integrates with broader business operations and strategies.

Below, I’ll elaborate on how this can be implemented, using a media company as a context for our discussion.

Structuring the EA Team with Departmental Representation

The Importance of Departmental Involvement:

Involving departmental heads or their nominees in the EA team ensures that the unique needs, challenges, and insights of each department are considered in the architecture planning process.

This inclusion helps in creating a more cohesive and comprehensive EA that supports various departmental objectives and aligns them with the overall business strategy.

Departments in a Media Company:

  1. Content Creation

  2. Content Acquisition

  3. Content Distribution

  4. Marketing & Advertising

  5. Sales

  6. Digital Platforms

  7. Broadcast Operations

  8. IT & Technology

  9. Audience Insights & Research

  10. Human Resources

  11. Finance & Accounting

  12. Legal & Compliance

  13. Public Relations

  14. Customer Service

  15. Strategic Planning

Implementation Strategy

1. Current Structure:

  • Typically, the EA team might be situated within the IT department, focusing primarily on technology-driven initiatives with limited input from other departments.

2. Suggested Migration Path:

  • Phase 1: Inclusion of Departmental Representatives: Begin by inviting department heads or nominated senior members from each of the 15 departments to participate in EA strategy sessions. The Focus should shift from Architecture of Enterprise to Architecture of sales Function, Marketing Function etc. By defining use cases and showcasing how EA can be useful in strategy execution for sales department or marketing department can be good starting point. This could start with meetings to discuss strategic objectives and gather feedback and creating strategy execution model for the use cases identified by the sales team.

  • Phase 2: Formal Integration into the EA Team: As the value of cross-departmental collaboration becomes evident, formalize the involvement of these representatives in the EA team.

We should think of EA Team for Sales, EA Team for Marketing etc.

They could participate in regular EA planning and review meetings, ensuring ongoing alignment and communication.

  • Phase 3: Evolution towards an Enterprise-wide EA Function: Gradually shift the EA function to become a central strategic body under the direct oversight of the CEO or a Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). This body would not only include IT but also have dedicated roles or representatives from each department, solidifying the enterprise-wide scope of EA.

Example from a Media Company

Consider the introduction of a new digital streaming platform by the media company, intended to integrate content creation, distribution, and marketing:

  • Content Creation: Needs robust tools for managing and scheduling digital content.

  • Marketing & Advertising: Requires integration with analytics tools to gauge viewer engagement and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

  • Sales: Seeks streamlined processes for subscription management and customer acquisition.

  • Digital Platforms: Demands high-performance technical infrastructure for streaming high-quality video content.

Incorporating Departmental Inputs in EA:

  • Content Creation representatives ensure the EA supports efficient content management workflows, defines content creation strategy etc.

  • Marketing & Advertising inputs help EA Markting team to create various marketing strategies, refinment of marketing processs. In addition, it also identify systems that integrates with analytics to provide real-time feedback on campaign performance.

  • Sales leaders contribute insights to EA Sales team to refine strategies for subscription revenue, adding new strategies as well refining a few, it also looks at payment options, support programs. In addition, it looks at system integration needs, ensuring the system supports various payment gateways and customer management tools.

  • Digital Platforms experts work with EA IT team to ensure the system is scalable, secure, and capable of supporting a high volume of users.

To truly leverage EA as a strategic asset across the enterprise, it is essential to involve representatives from all departments in its planning and execution processes.

This approach not only enhances the relevance and efficacy of the EA but also fosters a more collaborative, informed, and strategic organization culture.

For a media company, where integration across content, distribution, and consumer engagement is critical, such a comprehensive approach to EA can be particularly beneficial, driving innovation and strategic alignment throughout the organization.

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