Steve Towers, business entrepreneur has founded more than a dozen companies and associations including a number of global firsts such as
invented the phrase Business Process Management (BPM) during a series of workshops and lectures in 1993/94 , created, launched and delivered the world's first BPM Training course in 1996. Steve Towers co-created the world's first Advanced BPM Method - '8 Omega' in 2004. Also, Steve Towers & Peter Fingar co-authored 'In Search of BPM Excellence' (2005) bringing together the leading writers and thinkers with the then current understanding of BPM
As part of the evolution of BPM,
As part of the evolution of BPM, Steve co-developed the CEMMethod™ to encompass leading change approaches such as Customer Experience Management, Lean Six Sigma, Business Process Management, Agile and BPR.
Steve Towers has published many books, appeared on TV and Radio and supports the development of approaches for progressing Enterprises towards customer centric operations and practice.
As a leading proponent of Customer Experience Management published best sellers ‘Outside-In The Secret’, ‘The Process Tactics Playbook’ and contributed to ‘Foundations for Customer Centricity’ with business partner James Dodkins.