
Sunil Dutt Jha - CEO ICMG International
Why Discovering Enterprise Anatomy Will Provide Game Changing Formula for the Future?
In most cases, Enterprise Architecture is basically Enterprise "IT Architecture". An Enterprise consist of several function units and not just IT . How to address a CEO's issue by applying the multi-disciplinary Enterprise Architecture skills. Why Chief Strategy Officers are better equipped to own Enterprise Architecture?

Ralph Whittle , Co-Authored 1st Book on Business Architecture
The Enterprise Ontology to aspiring Enterprise Architects and Business Architects.
The question is, are you interested in “real” architecture as defined by The Zachman Framework? Why most Business Architects are so clueless and out of touch with respect to real architectural principles. How to present the “Assemble to Order” concept described by Zachman in an accurate and comprehensible manner...

Enterprise longevity - Why and Who Should Care?
There are enough examples to suggest that the natural average lifespan of a corporation should be as long as two or three centuries. Unfortunately, average life expectancy of all firms, regardless of size is short. Can Enterprise Architecture help?
Track Sessions (1) - Industry Solutions

Architecture Driven Multi-year IT Transformation Program
IT has commenced implementing one of the largest transformation portfolios in Toll’s history and in the Supply Chain industry globally to deliver against cost targets as part of the broader Toll transformation
Customer-centric Airline Passenger Service System

IT has commenced implementing one of the largest transformation portfolios in Toll’s history and in the Supply Chain industry globally to deliver against cost targets as part of the broader Toll transformation
IQVIA Study Hub – Enabling Virtual Clinical Trials
IT has commenced implementing one of the largest transformation portfolios in Toll’s history and in the Supply Chain industry globally to deliver against cost targets as part of the broader Toll transformation
Track Sessions (2) - Customer Services & Excellence

CRMnext-Single Point of All Customer Communication including
CRM acts as a Single platform for all touch point at SBI Life Omni-channels like Branch walk in, Call Centre, Web Site, Email, SMS, IGMS, that enables it to give the comprehensive view of SR 360 - Query/Complaint/Feedback Management / IGMS, Policy 360 - Payout & Non Payout SR (STP), Renewal 360 – RAG of customer and Lead 360 - Lead Processing with SAATHI & Conversion.

Omni Channel Real Time CRM & Loyalty
Modernize Consumer Experience by offering a seamless Omni-channel & real time access to consumers’ profile, loyalty program, membership status and historical transactional and non-transactional (digital) interactions with our brands in order to:
- Enable O2O real time consumer journeys
- Meet basic consumer demands of access to real time synchronized personal data...

A Collaboration Platform for Airlines Travelers
A modular and open platform which is comprised of middleware and connectors to web, mobile, and other endpoint solutions, enabling an airline-and-partner collaborative marketplace, end-to-end customer servicing, and dynamic social activities in one stream across the customer’s entire travel experience.
Track Sessions (2) - Customer Services & Excellence

The Insurance Cloud and Innovation Journey
We initially created a hybrid network architecture where existing on-premise servers were accessible from our cloud VPC (virtual private cloud). New services were then developed using cloud-specific services and employed cloud-native architectures such as the serverless architecture. This serverless approach was first used in revamping our customer-facing website where customers can buy insurance and file claims. Fast forward 2 years: we have migrated all our insurance core systems to the cloud, adopted cloud managed...

Reliance IT Landscape for Improving Value Proposition
Reliance is aware that a comprehensive, accurate and real-time view of the technology landscape holds the key to building a solid foundation for business transformation. The company’s Enterprise Architecture (EA) platform provides a clean, aggregate and real-time view of its enterprise assets and technologies.
An initiative has been launched to enrich the EA platform with timely and accurate supporting data

A Customer-Centric Solution on the Cloud for Modern Airlines
A platform independent, modular suite of Java components based on industry standard Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) technology and tools. The AirCore software architecture is multi-layered, providing clean separation of concern for interfaces, business logic and data enabling the rapid adoption of new technologies. 21 of the top 25 airlines worldwide depend on Unisys solutions. And now by offering AirCore PSS on the cloud, Unisys is helping airlines change the customer conversation while at the same time bringing the airline
Leadership Panel Discussion (main hall)
Digital Transformation - Adding Value or Automating Tasks?
Rethink Value Creation.