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WORLD 2019

Day 1 - 27 Nov

keynote1: 8.5 am - 9.45 am |  keynote 2: 9.50 am - 10:50 am


John Zachman - CEO Zachman Inc


The question is, what is your strategy to accommodate orders of magnitude increases in complexity and orders of magnitude increases in the rate of change? And, this is not an IT issue. The question Chief, is not whether this is happening or not... it IS happening. The question is, what are you going to do about it?

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Sunil Dutt Jha - CEO ICMG International

Why Enterprise Architecture is Heading South? How Do We Turn North?

In most cases, Enterprise Architecture is basically Enterprise "IT Architecture". An Enterprise consist of several function units and not just IT . How to address a CEO's issue by applying the multi-disciplinary Enterprise Architecture skills. Why Chief Strategy Officers are better equipped to own Enterprise Architecture?

Day 2 - 28 Nov

​keynote1: 8.5 am - 9.45 am |  keynote 2: 9.50 am - 10:50 am

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Ralph Whittle , Co-Authored 1st Book on Business Architecture

The Enterprise Ontology to aspiring Enterprise Architects and Business Architects.
The question is, are you interested in “real” architecture as defined by The Zachman Framework? Why most Business Architects are so clueless and out of touch with respect to real architectural principles. How to present the “Assemble to Order” concept described by Zachman in an accurate and comprehensible manner? How to get the Business Architecture started in the enterprise.

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Krish Ayyar - Managing Partner, ICMG Australia

The One Month Enterprise Architecture - Realising the Impossible through Enterprise Anatomy

In this Keynote, Krish will take us through a week by week approach to solving Business Problems using Enterprise Anatomy - a new concept. Key Takeaways are - Better understanding of what is Enterprise Architecture and how to apply it in your organisations to improve Business Agility.

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